Trending Alert - The Sip and See
There is an event that is taking the postpartum world by storm, and I just have to share. It is called the Sip And See – an event put together after baby is born to give people a chance to meet the newborn, have some drinks and nibbles, and honor the parents in a simple manner. Unlike a baby shower, the event involves no game-playing or formal gift opening in front of a crowd and – so great – involves the men.
Why do it? I’ll give you two words that I’m so in love with that even typing them here get me all excited - simplify and predictability.
Simplify – Rather than hosting multiple rounds of company who want to drop by and meet your new arrival, this opportunity allows all of your (rightfully) curious and excited friends and family to meet your baby at once. Which means? You only need to do one round of putting away your breast pump, one round of light cleaning, and one round of making sure you aren’t leaking milk through your shirt.
Predictability – Inevitably, your boss or former piano teacher or gym workout buddy will be “just driving through the neighborhood and wondering if they can pop by.” And you will be 5 minutes away from a nursing session…or taking a nap….or cleaning up the dishes from, um, last night’s dinner. Having a planned event like the Sip and See can offer you peace of mind knowing you can anticipate when the well-wishers will be arriving.
If this idea interests you, read more about the “how to” on The Bump’s website. I must conclude by mentioning that this idea is not for everybody. Especially for those who are more extroverted in personality, who will absolutely thrive off a regular stream of visitors coming by. So I do encourage you to self-assess before lining up such a little shin dig. What would my preference be? (Thanks for asking.) I would most definitely want to have a Sip and See to accommodate those that fall more in the acquaintance category. You know –neighbors who aren’t exactly your besties, the Starbucks barista who’s always so sweet to you, or the aforementioned former piano teacher. But for really close friends and family – well, when we say they’re welcome anytime don’t we mean it? In my world, if we’re close – we are “I don’t care if you see my dirty burp cloth piles -- come on by” close.